Articles on: THNDR

πŸ’΅ I can't withdraw my sats using CashApp, what should I do?

πŸ” I can't withdraw my sats using CashApp, what should I do?

''How do I transfer my sats to my LN Wallet'' you may ask. ''When I try to claim them, it automatically opens CashApp and I can't withdraw!''

It seems that CashApp is overlapping the other wallets on US users' phones, not letting them use their wallets otherwise. We have a fix for the CashApp problem, but it takes time for the apps to be updated. For now, THNDR Bay gives the option to choose which wallet you'd like to withdraw your funds to. 😊

Soonℒ️ all of our games will have this option to overcome this ''interesting'' issue.

πŸ’ͺ The way to work around (for now) this problem is uninstalling your CashApp application, then withdrawing your sats with your preferred Lightning Network wallet and finally installing CashApp again into your phone.

PS: This is just a temporary method. We are doing our magic to make everything smooth again on both sides.

Updated on: 23/02/2022